Friday, 7 March 2025

China Day 7 - From Deqen to Zogang. Hitting Route 318 & Entering Tibet Restricted Autonomous Region.

Today under the tour itinerary the description said it would be the most challenging day out of all days in the tour where we would have to traverse a distance of 400km going through three big mountain pass where the road were described as treacherous. Estimated time for todays journey was 10 hours.

Still morale was high and I was smiling so wide that nothing could put a fear into me. Today was also the day we officially entered the Tibetan Autonomous Region going through the first mandatory Tibet guide checkpoint.

Entering Tibet Autonomous Region 

Tibet - Route G318

We were riding through the mountains now and every road were either on one side of the mountain ridge or the other. After a while I realized that we were actually going up and down snaking through the mountain to the best portion to cross rivers and ravine where bridges are possible to built and then finding that mountain pass to go up and over one ridge only to find another path through the next mountain.

The view was breathtaking at every turn and I could not imagine doing Tibet route just once. Merging onto G318, this route slogan of “Must Go In Your Life” holds true to its meaning. 

It’s a must see at least once in a lifetime but if opportunity exist, it’s something one would not get tired off doing over and over again.

At the first Tibet Checkpoint, we all gathered up and entered together and immediately split up going at our own pace to the next destination. There was only one road G318 and navigation was not really needed. Still climbing the first pass and slowly came to view with majestic snowcap mountains. Honglanshan Mountain Pass at the peak was 4200m.

Honglanshan Mountain Pass @ 4200m Altitude 

View at Honglanshan Mountain Pass 

Up the mountain pass then down to the villages by the river crossing then climbing up again to the second Lawushan Mountain Pass at 4368m. 

There was a gate marker and a small G318 signpost with the altitude marker but I missed it thinking that the small concrete pavement to right would bring me up to the peak scenic spot.

Halfway up the concrete pavement and it felt a bit wrong but as I near the peak and saw the gated and barbed fence facility building, it was definitely no tourist stop. 

In fact it was a military outpost and before I could quickly turn around, the guard at the gate wave me from far away to approach him.

Lawushan Mountain Pass @ 4368m Altitude 

Lawushan Mountain Pass Travelling Coffee Camper @ 4368m Altitude 

With my broken mandarin being more broken since I was nervous in front of the officer, I managed to convey that I thought this was a scenic spot. 

It was a restricted military base and I was not allowed to be here. Identification card was requested and when I gave him my passport the officer had a dumbfounded look and calmed down not knowing what to do.

A quick call inside and I was given a warning not to ride on unmarked concrete pavement road. I was told to turn around and head back to the main road. Just before I go, the officer gave me a final warning to beware of falling rock when riding route G318. I wave him goodbye with a big smile and zoom back down to the signpost for a coffee.

Time slowed down somehow I think, for when we were riding through the mountain pass it did not seam like a lengthy and tiring journey. 

Roads were fairly good in my opinion and not the treacherous type and the winding and twisty roads were actually a delight for motorcyclist. Still it was getting late by the time I reached the third Juebashan Mountain Pass which was 3911m

Speeding up trying to get to Zogang before nightfall was obvious that we would not make it in time. Mountain pass riding had a pace to itself and no speeding could make up for it. 

One just need to follow the mountain pace. We reached the last Dongdashan Mountain Pass which was 5130m. It was really high with thin air.

While the first three mountain pass was cold with amazing view, this last one had snow. We were so high up that the snow would not melt even in the summer. 

Dongdashan Mountain Pass @ 5130m Altitude 

Zogang County along Route G318

I really hang around a lot at that last mountain pass just enjoying the view and the people all crowding around to take pictures of the plinth marker.

Last of the sunlight was used to get to Zogang and we reached just when the sun set closed to 9pm. Apparently since we were so high up now in the world, sunlight stays a long time before darkfall.

Traveled on: May 2024

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